The upcoming weeks you'll see more photo's of my KISS vinyl collection, all originals from the 70's and other bought on the day they where released.
You'll see releases from The Netherlands, UK, Germany, Australia, Japan, Russia ect. Also closer look to my KISS picture disc's, 7" & 12" singles and as bonus my KISS bootleg vinyls! So, enjoy...

Here are my second bunch of KISS Vinyl 40th Aniversery Releases!
Above it's the KISS Alive Millenium vinyl, a 2-LP set!
Below it's the KISS Carnival Of Souls vinyl, both for the first time ever official released on vinyl!

Earlier I got these vinyls in, the KISS Dressed To Kill vinyl, with the embrosses logo, very cool!

And also the KISS Psycho Circus vinyl, first time ever on vinyl with the 3D cover! BTW the German version hasn't!

KISS, Hotter Than Hell, Dressed To Kill (1 on red vinyl, UK) Alive! (1 with other gatefold inside sleeve) The Originals & Destroyer.

Destroyer (with innersleeve) Rock And Roll Over (1 on red vinyl, UK) Love Gun (with innersleeve), The Originals II (with masks) Alive II (with booklet) Double Platinum (with platinum card) & Gene Simmons (with poster)

Ace Frehley, Paul Stanley, Peter Criss (all with poster) Peter Criss Picture Disc (as well all the picture discs from Gene, Paul & Ace, but these are signed and hanging up on my wall!) The Best Of (France) The Best Of Solo Albums (Germany) Dynasty (with poster) & Dynasty (Russia)

The Best Of Solo Albums (Germany, different tracklist) I Was Made For Lovin' You (12" yellow vinyl maxi single) Dirty Livin' (12" maxi single) Unmasked (with poster) The Music From The Elder (Gatefold) Killers, Creatures Of The Night & Creatures Of The Night/Rock & Roll All Night (12" double grooved single)

Creatures Of The Night (Glow in the dark) Lick It Up, Lick It Up (12" single & Tank picture disc) Animalize, Animalize (Japan) Heaven's On Fire (12" single) & Heaven's On Fire (12" single with poster UK)

Thrills In The Night (12"single) Asylum, Creatures Of The Night (Re-release with Bruce Kulick on cover) Crazy Nights, Reason To Live (12" single) Crazy Crazy Nights (12" single) Turn On The Night (12" single UK) & Turn On The Night (12" single Netherlands)

Tear Are Falling (12" single) Who Wants To Be Lonely (12" single Japan) Asylum, KISS Exposed (CD video) Smashes Thrashes & Hits (Netherlands) Smashes Thrases & Hits - 15 Years Of KISStory (Gatefold picture disc UK) Let's Put The X In Seks (12" single) & KISS The Singles (Australia)

Hot In The Shade (Holland) Hide Your Heart (10" picture disc single UK) Hide Your Heart (12" single NL & UK) Forever (12" Gatefold single UK) Revenge (Grey vinyl) Unholy (10" White vinyl single UK) & God Give Rock And Roll To You (12" picture disc single UK)

KISS Alive III (Gatefold NL & picture disc) KISS MTV Unplugged (Gatefold yellow 2-LP set & poster) You Wanted The Best, You Go The Best (NL & picture disc) Psycho Circus (Picture Disc) KISS Alive IV - Symphony (Gatefold 3-LP set) & Sonic Boom (Gatefold red vinyl with poster)

KISS Sonic Boom (Gatefold purple vinyl with poster) KISS Destroyer Resurrected, KISS Monster (NL) & KISS Monster (Germany)

KISS The Originals Boxset (Gatefold colored vinyls with booklet & cards, Japanese) & KISS Live In Australa Boxset (4 CD's with booklet, Australia)

Signed KISS Sonic Boom & Monster Vinyl (Germany)

Signed KISS Monster Vinyl!

Signed Gene Simmons & Paul Stanley picture disc's!

Signed Ace Frehley picture disc!

Signed KISS Dynasty & Lick It Up albums, framed on my wall!
And now a closer look to all the KISS Picture Disc's:

KISS, Hotter Than Hell, Destroyer, Rock And Roll Over & Love Gun picture disc's (The Netherlands, unnumbered!) Alive!, Alive II & Carnival Of Souls picture disc's (Bootleg)

Best Of Solo Albums picture disc (Bootleg) Dynasty, Unmasked, Killers, Creatures Of The Night, The Music From The Elder, Lick It Up & Animalize picture disc's (The Netherlands, unnumbered!)

Asylum picture disc (The Netherlands, unnumbered!) Crazy Nights picture disc's (1987 edition, 1988 Monsters Of Rock + 12" edition) Chikara & Carnival Of Souls (Bootleg)

KISS Interview, Rock Tales picture disc's (Unofficial, UK) KISS Framed (Unofficial, UK) Peter Criss Out Of Control & Let Me Rock You (The Netherlands) Peter Criss Criss picture disc (USA) Peter Criss All For One (Gatefold USA) & Frehley's Comet Into The Night 12" single (The Netherlands)

KISS Hotter Than Metal (Bootleg) KISS Interview 1 picture disc (Unofficial, UK) KISS Then & Now picture disc (Saw blade, UK) KISS Interview 2 picture disc (Unofficial, UK) Double Runes Rule picture disc (Unofficial, UK) KISS Interviews (Unofficial 4-set Peter, Paul, Gene & Ace shaped, UK) & KISS Interview picture disc (Unofficial, Tabak, UK)

Ace Frehley - Frehley's Comet & Vinnie Vincent Invasion (The Netherlands) Vinnie Vincent Invasion - Ashes To Ashes 12" single (UK) White Tiger (The Netherlands) Wendy O. Williams - WOW picture disc & vinyl (UK) Monsters Of Rock 1988 Boxset (Bootleg 3 LP) & Runaway soundtrack (The Netherlands)
After seeing all my vinyl albums, 12"singles and picture disc's, it's now time to get a closer look to all my KISS 7" vinyl singles:

Calling Dr. Love, Hard Luck Woman, Radio Active, New York Groove, Hold Me Touche Me, You Matter To Me (Green vinyl) Rock & Roll All Night, Rocket Ride, I Was Made For Lovin' You (Netherlands & UK) Sure Know Something (Netherlands & UK) Talk To Me, Tommorow, Nowhere To Run, I, A World Without Heroes, I Love It Loud (Netherlands tongue sleeve & 2th press) & 4 picture disc set (UK)

Lick It Up (Netherlands & UK poster sleeve) All Hell's Breakin' Loose (Germany & Netherlands) Interview (UK picture disc) Heaven's On Fire (Japan & Netherlands) Thrills In The Night, Tears Are Falling, Uh! All Night, Crazy Crazy Nights, Reason To Live (UK with patch) Turn On The Night (Netherlands & UK poster sleeve) Let's Put The X In Sexs, Hide Your Heart (Netherlands & UK red vinyl) Forever, Unholy, Kovers (Bootleg) I Was Made For Lovin' You Live (Bootleg) Gene Interview (UK picture disc) & Black Diamond Live (Bootleg)
KISS Bootleg Records:
KISS Face Lift (3-LP box set on red vinyl) A Black Diamond, Dressed To Kill & Jungle Fever (Zwolle '84) Superstars, Live In Boston, Heavy Metal Holocaust, & KISS This! (Picture disc)
Sneak Attack (2-LP set, rare 70's) Ego's At Stake, Second KISS In Long Beach (rare 70's) Blitz London (2-LP set, rare 70's) Destroys Anaheim Part 1 & 2 (rare 70's) The Tickler & Fried Alive! (rare 70's)
KISS My Axe, Kissing In The Pink (2-LP set, rare Japanese!) Stary Eyed, Live Without A Net, 10Th Anniversay (2-LP set, rare Japanese!) Asylum World Tour (2-LP set, rare Japanese!) They Only Come Out At Night (2-LP set with booklet) & Demon Demo's.
KISS Ipswich, KISS Talk To Me, KISS Blows Your Head Off Part 1 & 2, Fancy Mix, Fancy Fair, Live At The Gaunlet & Fits Like A Glove.
Demonds Meteor, Starry Eyed, Firehouse, American Tour '84, More Metallic Mayhem & Stoned In Paris.
Heaven's On Fire Part 1 & 2, Unmasked, Walking Around The World, Hall Of Fame, KISS Still Love You (2-LP set & rare picture disc set!)
KISS Of Death, Takes Tokyo (2-LP set, rare 70's) Demo's, Guns & Roses, KISS Them And Make Them Die, Shout It Out Loud, Still Krazy & Kamikaz Kissing.
KISS And Make Up, Barbarize, White Of Their Eyes & Animalive, Frehley's Comet: Back In The New York Groove, Vinnie Vincent: Live.
KISS Live In Amsterdam 2015 (2-LP set with tourbook!)
Very cool to see your record collection Rockhead, I'll be checking it!
Wow, the Orignals, very cool!
Ik ben benieuwd wat je nog meer in je platenkast hebt staan.
Heb ik ook allemaal. Jammer van die kring op The Originals. Heeft de mijne ook last van.
@ Wob; Ja dat heb je met LP's die al meer dan 30 jaar oud zijn...
And the Originals 2 also, again very cool!
@ Rockhead, ik weet niet waar het aan ligt, ik heb LP's van 40 jaar oud en die hebben het niet.
Alle exemplaren van Deep Purple's Purple Passages, hebben het allemaal. Dwz allen die ik in handen heb gehad.
@ Wob, je hebt gelijk, ik heb ook LP's van die leeftijd die dat niet hebben, misschien ligt het aan een dunnere hoes en dat er 3 LP's in zitten?
Dat zou kunnen Rockhead, want Purple Passages is ook 3 LP's.
Curious about what you've more.
AWESOME collection Rockhead!
YES, of moet ik QUI zeggen?
Vanmorgen gekocht in Boulogne Sur Mer. PSYCHO CIRCUS op Vinyl.
3D LENTICULAR Cover en het juiste letter type. Bij supermarkt keten E.LECLERK.
@ Wob; Wat heb je er voor betaald?
@ Rockhead, € 26,99. Helaas stonden Carnival Of Souls en The Millenium Concert er niet en ook Psycho stond er maar een keer. Alle anderen stonden er wel.
@ Wob; ik heb er € 20,- voor betaald.Trouwens Carnival Of Souls en The Millenium Concert LP's komen pas eind mei uit...
Dat is mooi. Wat ook mooi is, hahaha ; op Facebook van WobbieWob, de live versie van Paradise By The Dashboard Light van Meat Loaf. En wat staat daar een brave Bruce Kulick (met snor) gitaar te spelen.
Die Psyco Circus elpee ziet er erg gaaf uit, ik ga morgen even kijken of ik die ergens kan scoren, iemand een tip waar te koop?
Ik wacht met smart op Carnival Of Souls.
Vandaag Psycho Circus gekocht in Utrecht, gaaf die hoes, is beter gedaan dan de cd!
@ Wob; Ik kijk ook uit naar Carnival Of Souls & Alive Millennium LP's! Nog een kleine 10 dagen...
Dus toch een aangepaste hoes voor de Duitse markt? Ik wil ze nog niet voor nix hebben. Bij nog steeds geen afbeeldingen, maar ik ga uit van de goede letters. Anders stuur ik ze terug. Heb ik al eerder gedaan.
Ja de Duitse cover heeft een gewone hoes en wat betreft het logo, daarom bestel ik ze in de UK...
Wow, cool those 12" singles of thrills in the night and turn on the night, I never saw these!
The Singles album? Never heard of it.
Yes net binnen, Carnivals Of Soul en Alive Millenium.
A lot of cool vinyls.
Love those picture discs!
I'm still looking for a copy of Sonic Boom and how come you've a vinyl copy of Millenium, it's isn't out in the US yet?
@ Bill; Millenium is been released on may 5th in Europe, it's been delayed in the US...
Awesome record collection, I saw some beauties come along.
Awesome you've that japanese vinyl boxset too and even the first press, very cool!
You've a great record collection, with some cool and rare ones, love your signed records!
Te gekke lp verzameling heb je rockhead, met de intrede van de cd heb ik mijn platen van de hand gedaan, had ik niet moeten doen.
You've a very impressive record collection with a lot of rare ones! Awesome signed ones too!
Fantastische vinyl verzameling, echt klasse!
Great collection, you've some really rare vintage records!
Checked back today to see what you added on your blog, man you've some amazing Kiss vinyls, wished I had still mine. Great to see!
Great collection of vinyl Kiss, with a lot of rare ones!
Very impressive collection, Rockhead.
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