On friday november 27th we attended Bruce Kulick’s Private Party in Amsterdam (NL) limited to 120 guests only!
After the doors went open and we got in, we checked out Bruce merchandise, sadly he not got his new album for sale there (release in Europe: Januari 29th, in the US: Februari 16th 2010) but had a new version of his BK3 EP for his European fans for sale! Also there was a book, where you could write a personal message to Bruce, that would be presented to him right after his show. Of course we wrote something in for him with a photo of us.
Around 9 PM Bruce took the stage, he regoniced us right away, becasue we stood right in front of him, lol. He welcomed everyone for coming and told about his busy schedule of last week, with seeing KISS live in Anaheim, Fantasy Camp and of course coming over for his Private Parties in Europe. It was a kind of guitar clinic, but all in a easy comfortable way, all relax. Bruce started with playing the leads of Unholy. Then he gave Marina his guitar, so that he could take of his shirt. She couldn’t believe she got his guitar in her hands! Bruce joked and said; "she asked if see could take it with her "…
Bruce played guitar, backed up by a tape, on the songs as: Liar, Jumping The Shark & Pair Of Dice. At the end he played parts of; Warmachine, No, No, No and God Give Rock & Roll To You II. Between the songs he explained some tricks of his guitarplaying and about his upcoming new BK3 album as well. After the set was done, the special book was presented to Bruce and he was suprised by it and thank everyone who contributed to it.
It was time for a small break before the Meet & Greet started, it al was relax, you could come by his table when you wanted. We waited till the end, Bruce was glad to see us and I start telling him how much I loved the new songs (because they played 90 seconds clippings of all the new songs from his BK3 album on the background during the M&G session and as a bonus they played: Hand Of The King, with Nick Simmons on vocals, in his entirely) Also Bruce appreciated it that Marina runs his fanpage on Myspace. We took photo’s with him and he signed items for us. Again Bruce was very nice to us and we had a awesome evening!
Bruce said this on his site about the evening:
" Sad to leave Holland. Thank you, all my Dutch fans! "
So enjoy the photo’s:
*(c) 2009. All personal interviews/stories/Photo's may only be used by others if is reference/linked to this site or me and ask me first!
Comments are copied from my old blog!
Reply Rockhead says:
3 December 2009 at 23:36 Extra bonus track on BK3!
This is the tracklist for the upcoming new album of Bruce, BK3:
2)Ain’t Gonna Die (featuring Gene Simmons)
3)No Friend of Mine (featuring John Corabi)
4)Hand of the King (featuring Nick Simmons)
5)I’ll Survive
6)Dirty Girl (featuring Doug Fieger)
7)Final Mile
8)I’m The Animal (feat. Tobias Singer & Eric Singer)
9)And I Know
10)Between The Lines (featuring Steve Lukather)
*exklusiver Bonus Track for Europe
Reply Rockhead says:
5 December 2009 at 19:04 Bruce said this on his site about the Private party in Holland:
I always love going to Europe, and this trip once again proved to me why I enjoy it so much. The fans are so awesome and the people and food very comforting. Of course things can be expensive, but in the end the trip always makes me smile about how different cultures around the world all share a common love of music and guitar playing.
I started off in Amsterdam, and I have such fond memories of trips there with KISS. My hotel was quaint and the stairway so narrow I truly felt like I was back in time. And, of course, the canals and street shopping there are quite impressive. It’s always fun to walk around and sightsee, as Amsterdam is funky and fun no matter how rainy or windy or cold it gets. The club was even walking distance from my hotel, so the night before I was able to check out the place I would be playing.
The afternoon of show day I squeezed in an interview with a famous guitar magazine from Holland, and got a little bit of shopping and sightseeing in as well. After renting a nice Marshall 2000 series Amp for the event, as I knew the smaller amps from the club would NOT work, I did a quick soundcheck and it was time to let the party crowd in. My dressing room was the coat room ironically, so you can imagine how funny it was to see the coats keep coming in as I was warming up for the event.
The first party was fun, and considering I was jet lagged from the long journey, I played well. At the end of the performance I decided to play God Gave RnR To You as the crowd sang along. Sidney, my friend for many years in Holland, presented me with a nice book signed by the fans which really made me feel welcome once again. The meet and greet was great, and the fans loved taking pix and telling me how excited they are about the upcoming release of BK3 in 2010. I want to thank all my fans for coming out to see me perform. I look forward to more adventures in Europe next year.
Comments are copied from my old blog!
daan says:
16 October 2009 at 17:32 Wow gaaf!, kun je er gewoon gratis heen ??
Reply Rockhead says:
17 October 2009 at 19:31 @ Daan; Nee de kaarten kosten Euro 15,-
Reply Matt says:
18 October 2009 at 16:27 More excitment for you Carol!!! You’ll love it….
Reply Rockhead says:
19 October 2009 at 22:08 We staan op de gastenlijst voor Bruce in Amsterdam…
Reply daan says:
23 October 2009 at 21:44 Oke, zijn er ook al tijden bekend of komt dat nog?
Reply Rockhead says:
24 October 2009 at 21:42 @ Daan; Als je op de gastenlijst staat worden de details later per email toegezonden, het lijkt allemaal erg exclusief te zijn…
Reply daan says:
24 October 2009 at 21:58 Oke dat denk ik dan ook… hoe kun je op de gastenlijst komen/kaarten bestellen?
Reply Rockhead says:
25 October 2009 at 14:08 @ Daan; kijk even op de site van kollector, daar staat een emailadres op, waar je de op de gastenlijst kunt komen…
Reply Lina says:
25 October 2009 at 14:28 That is great Carol! You will love the guitar clinics. Bruce is the master!
Reply Maarten Bijnens says:
30 October 2009 at 20:00 Hoi Carol,
‘t Is Maarten hier, van de Ace in London vorig jaar. En we hebben mekaar nog gezien in Keulen en Arrow Rock.
Ik ga ook naar Bruce de 27ste. We wonen vrij dicht bij mekaar (Zutendaal), en ik vroeg me af hoe jij van plan was om te gaan. We kunnen misschien iets afspreken om samen te gaan.
Laat je me iets weten op mij mailadres?
Maarten Bijnens
Reply Rockhead says:
30 October 2009 at 23:53 @ Maarten; Wij gaan met de auto. Ga jij morgen ook naar de KISS expo?
Reply Maarten Bijnens says:
18 November 2009 at 23:30 Hoi Carol,
De KISS-expo lukte me niet met werk enzo.
Maar gelukkig is Bruce er nog. Ik ga met de trein gaan.
Tenzij dat ik met jou kan meeliften. Dan hoef ik geen hotel te betalen want dan geraak ik die avond nog terug (en ik betaal dan met plezier een deel van de benzine, dat is goedkoper dan een hotel).
In alle geval: tot dan!
PS Ik zal wat vaker hier kijken voor je antwoord
PPS Ik kan niet naar Ace gaan vanwege school, maar mijn kameraad Johan, die zocht nog iemand die naar Bochum reed… Als jij eventueel zin hebt… Laat maar weten.
Reply Rockhead says:
21 November 2009 at 19:10 @ Maarten; Helaas wordt het moeilijk om iemand met ons mee te nemen.
Reply Maarten Bijnens says:
25 November 2009 at 11:06 @ Carol:
Geen probleem, ik zie je vrijdag wel
Reply John says:
29 November 2009 at 14:19 Great review and awesome pics!
Reply Ed says:
29 November 2009 at 21:53 Wat was het een gave avond!
Reply Lina says:
30 November 2009 at 22:51 Fantastic review Carol! That is a great photo of you, Marina & Bruce!
Reply bk says:
1 December 2009 at 00:05 be well and thanks for coming
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