Monday, June 3, 2019

KISS Live In Essen!!!

We arrived around 11 AM at the Stadion in Essen (Germany) for our first show of the KISS End Of The Road World Tour!
It was Hotter Than Hell that sunday june 2th, so Hot In the Shade, lol. There were about 25 fans waiting and we knew a lot of them, so passing time was no problem, we had a lot to talk about.

Around 5 PM we were let in to the stadion erea and got to the gates were we've to wait untill 6 PM when te big gates went open. We had front of the stage tickets and as soon as we got in we run to the stage but had to show our tickets again and got a wristband before we got into the front block for the stage. But we managed to get front row, and were so happy with this after hours of waiting in the hot sun!

It was so cool that they sell 3 different KISS Mugs with beer, I'm not a beer drinker, but of course we bought those mugs.

At 8 PM it was time for the support act, this time it wasn't no band, but a painter David Garibaldi who has a very cool way of painting. We liked his performance.

A copple of minutes for 9 PM it was time for the Hottest Band In The World...KISS!
As soon the curtain was gone, we saw Gene, Paul & Tommy coming down each on a platform to the stage with a lot of smoke and fire with Eric coming down on his drumriser behind them!
They started the show with Detroit Rock City! Here's our video:

The stage had some new elements, 11 kind of ufo-lights/platforms (less than in the US) a big screen at the back of the stage and Sam The Serpent was back! Those ufo lights/platforms were used during the whole show with special effects and brought a new demension to the show. Even it was a show outside we could the feel the heat of the pyro's and that was so cool.
KISS played tight and sounded great! There was a great vibe amoung the 20.000 fans inside the stadion. During the show we had cool interactions with Gene & Paul that's always special to us!

When it was time for Gene's solo, he stood on the middle ufo platform to do his bloody bass solo and than the whole platform went up above the stage and he performe his signature song God Of Thunder.
Here's our video of it:

Of course all the other elements were in the show, Eric did his drumsolo on the riser, Tommy shooted off rockets during his guitarsolo and letting some ufo platforms exploding and of course Paul flew over the crowd to the little stage to perform Love Gun & I Was Made For Lovin' You!
Here's our little clip of ot:
During Let Me Go, Rock & Roll there was also a little jam between Paul & Tommy and than Gene would show off his jam with Paul & Tommy joining in. Of course there were a lot of pyro's, smoke & flames that makes a show a KISS show.
The first encore was Beth with Eric behind the piano and they ended the show with Rock And Roll All Night with Gene & Tommy not on the big arms risers (they only use them at the indoor shows) but on risers that only went up, with a lot of confetti and pyro going off!
Than it was all over, we were sweaty, hot, covered by confetti but feeling so excited, what a show, we had a blast! We knew this wasn't our final show ever yet, we've a few more ahead of us...

This was the setlist: Detroit Rock City, Shout It Out Loud, Deuce, Say Yeah, I Love It Loud, Heaven's On Fire, War Machine (Gene breathes fire) Lick It Up, Calling Dr. Love, 100,000 Years (with Eric's drum solo) Cold Gin (with Tommy's guitar solo) God Of Thunder (with Gene's bass solo) Psycho Circus, Let Me Go, Rock & Roll (with jam solo) Love Gun (Paul flying to stage) I Was Made For Lovin' You & Black Diamond. Encore: Beth (Eric on piano) Crazy Crazy Nights & Rock and Roll All Nite.

Here's a selection of our photo's from this show (click on play button):

Every time we'll see KISS we got the chills and are so excited to see a show again, we cann't get enough of it. Especially on front row, it's like you're sucked into the show and nothing beats a KISS show, it's a experience!

*(c) 2019. All personal photo’s/slideshows/filmed footage may only be used by others if is reference/linked to this site or me and ask me first!


  1. De kaartverkoop in Nederland loopt nog niet zo hard las ik. Flinke concurrentie ook van Rammstein dezelfde avond.
    Ik hoop dat ze wel iets speciaals gaan doen. Misschien een blok met bijv Ace en Peter. Maar zal denk ik niet gaan gebeuren. Anders wordt het niet veel anders dan hun laatste show in Ahoy ben ik bang

  2. Tickets ook vandaag gekocht voor A'dam

  3. Ik ga naar de 3 zelfde shows. Zie jullie daar.

  4. Show en stage ziet er geweldig uit! Kan niet wachten om dit allemaal te zien in Amsterdam!

  5. het ziet er mooi uit maar is het niet zoveel anders dan de vorige show in rotterdam. Ipv vierkante vormen bovenaan stage heb je nu rondjes .. Paul gaf pas geleden aan dat het stage was wat niemand ooit nog gezien had. Dat vind ik niet.. Een van de veranderingen is dat Paul vliegt naar een truss boven het publiek ipv een ronddraaiende schijf bij de FOH. de Setlist is ook niet echt speciaal. Op internet is ook een hoop commentaar te vinden over het zingen door paul. Ik ga ook naar Amsterdam en ben al heel lang KISS fan maar ik had meer verwacht van deze tour.

  6. Ik wordt een beetje moe van dat gezeik over Paul's stem en de setlist en dan weer de stage. Van te voren was al gezegd dat je geen deep cuts hoefde te verwachten in de setlist. Stage ziet er mooi uit en ik kijk er naar uit om ze in A'dam te zien! Voor degene die het maar allemaal niets vind, verkoop je kaartje en blijf lekker thuis!

  7. Zoals wel vaker bij KISS was de hype groter dan de werkelijkheid.

  8. Als de hype groter is dan de werkelijkheid dan blijf je toch lekker thuis!

  9. I just posted a bunch of videos from the shows in Chicago and Grand Rapids. You can find them here.

  10. Ik kan niet wachten om Kiss in essen te zien en daarna nog eens in amsterdam!
    Aftellen is begonnen.

  11. Ik ga naar Essen, Hannover en Amsterdam. Meet & Greet in Essen (voor mij voor eerst) kreeg vandaag mail met regels. Je mag geen handtekeningen vragen en niet zelf foto's maken. Best wel teleurstellend maar ik maak er maar beste van

  12. I was doing the meet n greet in Amsterdam, shame they are
    not signing autographs for 900 euros!! When you buy the
    meet and greet they don't make that clear here in europe.
    Paul signed nothing for me in Milan 6 years ago, so now
    i'm screwed again! I'm finished with Kiss.
    Binnenkort vind julie mijn Meet n Greet Kaartje te kopen
    op Ebay en marktplaats.This band has screwed me over for
    the last time zeg! 45 years a fan straight in the toilet.

  13. Gaaf verslag van een gave show. Ik heb er van genoten.

  14. As always a great review, great video's & pics!

  15. Cool review, thanks for posting!

  16. Strange that the productions looks smaller overhere in Europe compared to the USA (only 11 UFO-like screens/platforms) while the stages, arenas/stadiums and audiences are a lot bigger than in the USA...

    I still don't understand why KISS (especially Gene) was always complaining about touring in Europe compared to the USA. They should count themselves lucky with the fanbase in Europe and overseas compare to the fanbase in the USA.
