Monday, November 2, 2009

Our Meet & Greet With Lydia Criss!

Yesterday we went to the KISS Expo in Kuurne, Belgium. We arrived @ 2 PM at the venue, went inside, got 2 free posters at the door and then it was straight to the merchandise stands. There were about 8 dealers who sold old & new items, KISSonline was there with a lot of new items and of course Lydia Criss was the special guest, who sold & signed her awesome photobook Sealed With A KISS! First we went to Lydia, to let her signed our copy of the book (we had it since it came out) She was very nice and when we asked for a photo, see came behind her table to the front of it and we take some cool pics with her.

We bought some items, like DVD’s and 2 cool Alive 35 Hoodies. Also there was a videomessage from Bruce Kulick, he talked about his upcoming new BK3 album and the private party’s in Europe in november/december (we’ll be there) Around 5 PM it was time for the Q&A with Keith Leroux (KISSonline) He told some cool stories about all the merchandise and that KISS was playing songs from Sonic Boom on the rehersals, like I’m A Animal, When Lightnings Strikes or Danger Us. He was sure that KISS will return to Europe in 2010 (on the expo there was going a rumour around that they’ll play on Graspop again, as they did in 2008)

After that it was time for the Unplugged show of KISStory and right after it Lydia Criss took the stage for her Q&A session. She told some cool stories about Peter Criss when she was married to him. Some of them we never heard off before, like that she has some old filmfootage when KISS did their first tour in Japan and that it’s possible that it could come out on DVD in the future!

Than it was time for the great mega show of KISStory, they opened with Modern Day Delilah and had a great setlist with bombs, smoke and pyro! It was great to talk with fans and a lot came up to me and gave compliments about my site! Enjoy the photo's...

1 comment:

  1. Comments are copied from my old blog!

    Geert "GENE" van der Wallen says:
    31 October 2009 at 11:51 HEE COLLEGA-KISS FANS;

    Aan de persoon die morgen naar de Expo in Belgie gaat, op weg daarheen Eindhoven of directe omgeving passeert,en nog een plekje heeft….PLEASE….LET ME KNOW !!!! Het zal wel niet meer, maar WHO DARES WINS !!

    Geert v.d.Wallen
    Reply Geert "GENE" van der Wallen. says:
    31 October 2009 at 15:16 Vervoer naar Belgie a.u.b.!!
    Reply arthur says:
    3 November 2009 at 15:07 Mooi verslag …. kon r zelf helaas niet bij zijn
    Reply David says:
    3 November 2009 at 21:48 Leuk om jullie ontmoet te hebben op de expo!
    Was een gave show van Kisstory!
    Reply KissCrazee says:
    4 November 2009 at 20:41 20€ betalen voor een beurs en 10€ als je later aankomt maar toch het optreden wil zien van Kisstory, een coverbandje? Zéér bedankt maar liever niet.
    Reply Gino says:
    5 November 2009 at 00:21 het zijn toch maar de echte fans die blijven komen en iets organiseren hé.
    Organiseren kost ook geld daarmee moeten we inkomgeld vragen dat is nu éénmaal zo.
    Als U KISScrazee morgen iets organiseerd rond KISS dan komen wij af zonder te zeuren over prijs en coverbandje .

    PS. Bedankt voor de komst Carol en Marina ,wij stellen jullie aanwezigheid op prijs .
    Tot de volgende
    Reply Rockhead says:
    5 November 2009 at 20:51 @ Gino; we zullen er de volgende keer weer erbij zijn!

    KISStory was te gek en natuurlijk niet te vergeten dat Lydia Criss er ook was!
    Reply Laine says:
    5 November 2009 at 22:40 Marina en Carol; leuk om jullie terug te zien, al was het weer vlug, vlug ,vlug. En terecht, de afwezigen hadden ongelijk. Als je echt een fan bent dan stap je in je auto en doe je de moeite. Doen wij ook, 300, 400, 500 km. Niks is teveel om bij vrienden, fans, een kissconcert te zijn. Nu, moest het aan ons liggen doen we alles gratis…..
    Reply SON OF SIMMONS says:
    7 November 2009 at 21:46 looks like you had a great time. i’ve met lydia criss, she is very nice.take care. SOS
    Reply demon kisstory says:
    14 November 2009 at 10:39 hey,leuk dat jullie erbij waren.leuke site.
    see ya soon…
