About 9 pm ESP took over the stage and as ussual it was from the start a party, Chuck a.k.a. Hellvis is always great to rock his bass and his Gene Simmons impression is often hillerious, John joked a lot with his funny stories and one-liners. Of course Bruce guitarplaying was excellent and Eric rocked behind his drumkit.
The band was in a great spirit and it was great to see them perform live again here in Holland.
The only complaint was that there wasn’t allowed to take photo’s during the show! I don’t understand why, because in the past you were allowed to take photo’s at ESP shows.
ESP‘s setlist:
Parasite (KISS), Love (Union), Under My Wheels (Alice Cooper), Unholy (KISS), Live Wire (Mötley Crüe), Domino (KISS), Highway Star (Deep Purple), Master and Slave (KISS), Power To The People (Mötley Crüe), Master & Slave – Continue (KISS), I Wanna Be (Union), Man in the Moon (Scream), Helter Skelter (Beatles), Ace of Spades (Motorhead), I Love It Loud (KISS), Black Diamond (KISS) & Tie Your Mother Down (Queen)
After the show they did a signing session and this time it was better organised than I witness at previous ESP signing sessions, however it seems that they (management?) stopped before everyone got their item signed. Only 1 item was allowed to let signed. Bruce was as always a gentleman and made a comment about my girlfriends Paul Stanley tattoo, Eric signed our photo with him backstage at Alice Cooper from last november.
On monday februari 16th we went to the ESP gig in Verviers, Belgium. It was only a 30 minutes drive for us. The venue, The Spirit Of 66, was small and I guess around 200 people were there. We got a front spot at the stage, before Bruce and this time it was allowed to take photo’s, but only for the first 3 songs. So I took as many pics as was possible.
Again the spirit of the band was great and this evening, we stood so close at the stage that, if we wanted, we could thouch Bruce or John.
After the show was over they came out to do a signingsession on the stage. We had a few things with us for signing, as photo’s, ESP CD cover ect. Everyone signed our stuff. All were very nice, especially Bruce, who was thankfull to us, we got each a guitar plectrum from him! He’s still a great guy! We had a blast!
All we can say, if you can catch ESP live, do so!
Enjoy the pics…
*(c) 2009. All personal photo’s/slideshows/filmed footage may only be used by others if is reference/linked to this site or me and ask me first!
Comments are copied from my old blog!
ReplyDeletedaan says:
18 November 2008 at 15:14 Geweldig dat ze naar Nederland komen, ik ga gelijk kaarten betellen!!
Reply Rockhead says:
18 November 2008 at 20:39 Zal voor de 3e keer zijn dat ik ze ga zien. Kaarten reeds besteld!
Reply Arno says:
19 November 2008 at 17:48 Heb de kaarten net ook besteld,
zag je ook dat kiss forever een paar dagen daarvoor speelt….?
zie jullie daar
Reply Rockhead says:
20 November 2008 at 20:14 @ Arno; Ja dat had ik ook gezien.
Zie je daar Arno…
Reply Partyman says:
27 November 2008 at 17:44 Ik ga er ook zeker bij zijn – lekker weer eens ”thuis” in Holland
Reply Dan bach says:
3 December 2008 at 22:16 Hi there Rockhead,
Thanks for the ESP info – I’m looking into logistics at the mo. Have contacted a few “KISS nutters – that you have met” about a possible trip.
Cheers/Danke Va (spelling, sorry)
Dan bach
Reply daan says:
30 January 2009 at 15:38 Hoi,
Is de meet & Greet bij de prijs inbegrepen?
Reply Rockhead says:
2 February 2009 at 15:05 @ Daan; In Uden is de meet & greet na het concert en zo ver ik weet uit eerdere meet & greets met ESP hoef je daar niet extra voor te betalen, houd er wel rekening mee dat het pas rond 12 uur kan zijn…
Reply daan says:
2 February 2009 at 15:07 Oke, dat is goed!
Maar waarom stellen ze dat dan een paar uur uit?
Reply Rockhead says:
2 February 2009 at 17:01 @ Daan; Concert zal rond 11 uur afgelopen zijn en kan een uurtje duren voordat ze komen…
Reply daan says:
2 February 2009 at 20:30 Oke!, bedankt!
Ik neem aan dat je alles kan laten signeren?
En is dat een beetje goed georganiseerd?, zodat je bijvoorbeeld ook op de foto kunt?
Reply Rockhead says:
3 February 2009 at 16:45 @ Daan, In het verleden heb ik altijd alles kunnen laten signeren door Eric & Bruce, wel had ik maar 2 of 3 dingen bij me voor elk bandlid en foto’s was ook geen probleem. Ligt er natuurlijk aan hoeveel fans er zijn rond dat tijdstip…
Reply daan says:
4 February 2009 at 21:00 Oke, dat is goed.
Heb je enig idee hoeveel fans er in De Pul passen?
Reply Rockhead says:
5 February 2009 at 21:32 I’ll be at the shows in Uden and Verviers, see you all there…
Reply Ed says:
10 February 2009 at 11:45 hoi rockhead, leuk om jullie gisteren te ontmoeten bij esp, was een topavond, jammer alleen van het fotobeleid
Comments are copied from my old blog!
ReplyDeleteReply daan says:
10 February 2009 at 13:31 Hey,
Het was te gek gisteravond!
Ik was die jongen die naar je toekwam achter in de rij bij de signeersessie en je complimenten gaf voor je website!
Reply Rockhead says:
10 February 2009 at 15:06 @ Daan; Had even je naam gezegd dan had ik geweten wie je was. Was het gelukt met het signeren? Bedankt voor je complimenten…
Reply George Xirocostas says:
10 February 2009 at 22:31 Once again Carol, you didn’t let down KISS ARMY AUSTRALIA ! Great review brother !!!
Reply daan says:
11 February 2009 at 15:14 Haha oke dat zal ik de volgende keer wel doen als ik je misschien weer zie!
Ja het is zeker gelukt, toen ik daar was hoorde ik dat je maar 1 item mocht laten signeren, maar ik had een tip gekregen van iemand die ik ken die er ook was. Die zei: je moet de lp’s gewoon op de tafel leggen, dan signeren ze ze allemaal wel’ en dat was dus ook zo!!
Is het bij jou ook gelukt??
Reply Steve says:
18 February 2009 at 00:58 Hi,
I would like to ask you about a Kiss Pinball machine, similar to yours.
I not sure about a few details on the machine….. ?
If you have the time and can help me out please reply to my email so I can give you the details.
Your help would be much appreciated,
Steve (an ozzie living in Italy)
Reply daan says:
18 February 2009 at 22:06 hey rockhead,
er staat in (de zoals altijd geweldige) review dat ESP in de show in België 2 nummers meer speeldenals in Uden: Parasite & War Machine, maar die speelden ze in Uden toch ook?,
Reply Jorge yanez says:
19 February 2009 at 00:19 Hi Carol,ESP played War Machine also in Uden! I rememeber because it was my favorite song that night also with parasite! I had a great time talking with you and other Die-Hard fans there. I hope KISS and Ace come back this year! KeeP RockiN!!
Reply Rockhead says:
19 February 2009 at 21:26 Oops, my mistake, of course they played both songs in Uden.
Reply Albert says:
21 February 2009 at 15:47 Haj Carol
Fijne foto,s die hebt geschoten.
Gelukkig voor jou dat je nu wel foto,s kon scoren……….
Gr Albert
Reply Rachelle says:
23 February 2009 at 15:49 Fantastic photo’s!
Thanks for posting them.
Reply Kevin says:
23 February 2009 at 15:50 Glad you could take more pics this time!
Reply Frans says:
26 February 2009 at 22:26 Mooi verslag en schitterende foto’s!