Friday, October 2, 2020

Japanese KISS Killers CD!

We added this awesome new Japanese KISS Killers CD to our collection!

This limited edition mini LP design includes a 6-page fold out photo sheet, a sticker and lyrics. Comes with an obi faithfully replicating it's Japan first press LP design...

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Ace Frehley Origins Vol. 2 Target Exclusive CD!

We got the new Ace Frehley's Origins Vol. 2 Target Exclusive CD in today!
This version has a different cover as the regulair ones.
It has a different hype sticker, Ace name & album title is in blue, Ace shooting of rocket with his guitar, different picture (Spaceman album cover) on screen of MSG and the Les Paul guitar Ace is holding is black.
Thanks to Ron for getting us a copy...