Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ace Frehley Live In Miami!

On tuesday october 29th we saw Ace Frehley live in Miami!
One day after our Ace Meet & Greet Experience @ Kruisefest we're happy to see the original Spaceman live this evening.
Before the show started we bought a cool Ace T-shirt. Kruisefest had several bands playing this day and one of them was Return Of The Comet, Ace's first solo band from way back in the 80's. It was so awesome that there was a Frehley's Comet reunion for the last 2 songs on the Return Of The Comet show! (More about this will be posted soon)

Around 11:15 PM it was time for Ace and we're ready. He started with Rip It Out, always a favorite song of us. Ace sounded great and he played some cool tunes like Hard Times, Snowblind & Rocket Ride!
Ace only played one song from his latest album Spaceman: Mission To Mars, here's our video:

Of course he did his smoking guitar solo during Shock Me and played on his lightbold guitar during New York Groove.
This was the setlist: Rip It Out, Parasite, Hard Times, Watchin' You, Snowblind, Rocket Ride, She, Strange Ways, Mission To Mars, New York Groove, shock Me, Cold Gin. Encores: Detroit Rock City & Deuce.
We had a awesome time seeing Ace live again and his show was a perfect ending of Kruisefest and a great start for the KISS Kruise IX.

*(c) 2019. All personal photo’s/slideshows/filmed footage may only be used by others if is reference/linked to this site or me and ask me first!